Montag, 3. Juli 2023

WPS - Renegade

WPS - Western Paperback Series
Cover art: Ron Lesser

title / titel: Renegade
An Adult Western
publisher / verlag: Warner Books
location / ortNew York
country / land USA
years / zeitraum: 1979 (June) - 1986
volumes / bände: 37 (1 - 36, + no number)
authors / verfasser: Ramsay Thorne (Pseudonym of Lou Cameron)
notes / notizen: He's unshakable, unstoppable, unkillable ... Captain Gringo, the legend of the Border!

Die ersten Bände liefen als "An Adult Western", später liess man dies weg; ich würde die Bücher als 'vorwiegend in Mittel- und Südamerika spielende Abenteuerromane mit Westernelementen' bezeichnen.
source / quelle: Internet

Number Author Title Year Note Source
- - - - - -
001 Thorne. Ramsay Renegade     1979 - INT
002 Thorne. Ramsay Blood Runner 1980 - INT
003 Thorne. Ramsay The Fear Merchant 1980 - INT
004 Thorne. Ramsay Death Hunter 1980 - INT
005 Thorne. Ramsay Macumba Killer 1980 - INT
006 Thorne. Ramsay Panama Gunner 1980 - INT
007 Thorne. Ramsay Death in High Places 1981 - INT
008 Thorne. Ramsay Over the Andes to Hell 1981 - INT
009 Thorne. Ramsay Hell Raider 1981 - INT
010 Thorne. Ramsay The Great Game 1981 - INT
011 Thorne. Ramsay Citadel of Death 1981 - INT
012 Thorne. Ramsay The Badlands Brigade 1982 - INT
013 Thorne. Ramsay The Mahogany Pirates 1982 - INT
014 Thorne. Ramsay Harvest of Death 1982 - INT
015 Thorne. Ramsay Terror Trail 1982 - INT
016 Thorne. Ramsay Mexican Marauder 1983 - INT
017 Thorne. Ramsay Slaughter in Sinaloa 1983 - INT
018 Thorne. Ramsay Cavern of Doom 1983 - INT
019 Thorne. Ramsay Hellfire in Honduras 1983 - INT
020 Thorne. Ramsay Shots At Sunrise 1983 - INT
021 Thorne. Ramsay River of Revenge 1983 - INT
022 Thorne. Ramsay Payoff in Panama 1984 - INT
023 Thorne. Ramsay Volcano of Violence 1984 - INT
024 Thorne. Ramsay Guatemala Gunman 1984 - INT
025 Thorne. Ramsay High Sea Showdown 1984 - INT
026 Thorne. Ramsay Blood on the Border 1984 - INT
027 Thorne. Ramsay Savage Safari 1984 - INT
028 Thorne. Ramsay The Slave Raiders 1985 - INT
029 Thorne. Ramsay Peril in Progreso 1985 - INT
030 Thorne. Ramsay Mayhem at Mission Bay 1985 - INT
031 Thorne. Ramsay Shootout in Segovia 1985 - INT
032 Thorne. Ramsay Death Over Darien 1985 - INT
033 Thorne. Ramsay Costa Rica Carnage 1985 - INT
034 Thorne. Ramsay Golden Express 1986 - INT
035 Thorne. Ramsay Standoff in the Sky 1986 - INT
036 Thorne. Ramsay Guns for Garcia 1986 - INT
--- Thorne. Ramsay Captain Gringo & the Pirates 1980 - INT

- Die Tabelle ist durch Anklicken der Felder der Kopfzeile alphanummerisch sortierbar. -

The checklists in WILDWESTER - Home of the Western are often not complete. If a book is missing, it is still unknown. The checklists are based on various bibliographic sources or informations from the INTERNET. - You can find individual bibliographic records at the WesternBuchregal. Here at WILDWESTER - Home of the Western there are no links to individual bibliographic records,