Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023

WPS - Six-Gun Samurai

WPS - Western Paperback Series
(Sample picture)

title / titel: Six-Gun Samurai
bzw. (7 - 8)
Six-Gun Warrior
publisher / verlag: Pinnacle Books
location / ortLos Angeles
country / land US
years / zeitraum: 1981 - 1983
volumes / bände: 8
authors / verfasser: Patrick Lee
notes / notizen: Tom Fletcher, a white man raised as a samurai in Japan, returns to the United States seeking revenge for his murdered relatives.

There was a British edition by Star Books (Vol. 1-3]
source / quelle: Internet

Number Author Title Year Note Source
- - - - - -
001 Patrick Lee Six-Gun Samurai 1981 - INT
002 Patrick Lee Bushido Vengeance 1981 Bruce Minney (C) INT
003 Patrick Lee Gundown At Golden Gate 1981 - INT
004 Patrick Lee Kamikaze Justice 1981 - INT
005 Patrick Lee The Devil's Bowman 1982 - INT
006 Patrick Lee Bushido Lawman 1982 - INT
007 Patrick Lee Prairie Caesar 1982 - INT
008 Patrick Lee Apache Messiah 1983 - INT
- Die Tabelle ist durch Anklicken der Felder der Kopfzeile alphanummerisch sortierbar. -

The checklists in WILDWESTER - Home of the Western are often not complete. If a book is missing, it is still unknown. The checklists are based on various bibliographic sources or informations from the INTERNET. - You can find individual bibliographic records at the WesternBuchregal. Here at WILDWESTER - Homes of the Western there are no links to individual bibliographic records,